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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

random thoughts

The Gig had a nightmare about caterpillars last night.  What's that all about?  She felt better after I told her to imagine them with the face of the one from Alice in Wonderland.

I can't remember the last time I slept all through the night.  I'm so very, very tired.

This morning the Bear and I went to our friend's house for coffee and a play.  Her little boy is a few months younger than the Bear.  The Bear had so much fun flushing a different toilet.  Oh, and there might have been a slide and a couple of toys and three extra kids to play with.  He wouldn't know.  There was a toilet that needed flushing.

My sister and her family are moving to England.  I'm excited for them but sad for me.  And regretful that we haven't seen enough of them lately.

I'm slowly getting my house organised.  On Thursday when my MIL is here, I'm going to clean out my laundry.  You know you're jealous.

I am desperate to have some time for reading.  I belong to an online bookclub and I haven't read the monthly book for the past two months.  And I'm still waiting for Amazon to deliver this month's.  All I can concentrate on at the moment is magazines and chick lit that I've read before.

We're buying the Bear a bed soon.  I'm sure that'll be the end of the daytime sleep.  RIP.

And last but not least, dogs are excellent at homework.


  1. Wiggle Man still has an afternoon nap, even in his big boy bed--there's hope! :)

  2. hoping the daytime sleep sticks around. For some reason, a movie does the trick for my little one. He watches (and falls asleep) on a yoga mat on the floor.....

  3. I love your solution for the caterpillar nightmare! We always try to get TRex to control his bad dreams by changing them.

    So, I gave you a cool award on my blog! ;-) Go check it out!
