Here we are again - I can't believe how quickly the week has gone. To join in the good news/bad news madness, hop on over to my friend the Missus over at and link up!
Good news? My shoulder is slowly getting better
Bad news? I still need a lot more physio
Good news? You should see Rob the hottie physiotherapist!
Good news? I'm meeting my brother and SIL for lunch
Bad news? Right at the Bear's sleep time
Good news? My son can thread cotton reels like a champ!
Bad news? We now have cotton reels all through our house
Good news? They're very bright, and should, theoretically, be easy to see and not trip over
Bad news? I said "theoretically"
Good news? My crazy dogs, the Bear and I just went for a walk
Bad news? They are the world's most stupid, insane-barking, embarrassing dogs
Good news? I love them anyway
Good news? My kids' immune systems are getting stronger by the minute
Bad news? It's because my house is an un-hygienic tip!
Good news? I don't really care
That's me done for the week - head over to the Missus for the original good/bad news!
Weeks of contrasts
4 days ago
The Rev also believes in natural immunotherapy--ie, kids getting dirty. And maybe eating dirt. :)